When seeking professional financial advice makes sense
When you face a challenge outside your expertise, you look for guidance from a professional. Whether that be fixing a leaking roof, fighting a legal battle, diagnosing a symptom.
Financial advice should be no different. However many Australians feel they can DIY their finance, which may be all well and good when life is running smoothly, but what happens when you’re thrown an unexpected curve ball.
Professional financial advice is about so much more than just managing your savings and investments. It's about securing your financial future regardless of what life throws your way – marriages, children, redundancy, illnesses, property and who knows what else.
Professional financial advice is about so much more than just managing your savings and investments. It's about securing your financial future regardless of what life throws your way – marriages, children, redundancy, illnesses, property and who knows what else.
The peace of mind of being financially prepared for these times is what makes professional financial advice one of the smartest investments you will ever make.
A trusted adviser can assess your financial circumstances, identify your goals and priorities, and recommend strategies that can help you stay on track and achieve your financial goals.
The type of advice you might need will depend on your situation, the amount of money you have to invest, your investment time frame and the complexity of your affairs.

Let’s face it, we don’t always have the time, knowledge or expertise to manage our investments effectively day in, day out. But your financial adviser does.
So before you meet with a financial adviser , consider the types of issues you need help with and be clear about what you are trying to achieve. Think about where you are financially and where you need to get to.
Maybe you need extra income to help cover unexpected costs, or perhaps you're looking to minimise tax on your investments. Whatever your needs, a professional adviser can help in various ways, including:
- Creating a sound financial plan
- Reducing and managing debts
- Building a diversified investment portfolio
- Managing volatility and risk
- Devising income streams
- Tax-effective super strategies
- Planning for retirement
- Estate planning strategies.
Let's face it, we don't always have the time, knowledge or expertise to manage our investments effectively day in, day out. But your financial adviser does.
One small change to superannuation laws, for example, could throw your whole investment strategy into a spin. That's where professional advisers can add value: they have the specialist knowledge and expertise to ensure all your bases are covered, all of the time.
Even the right advice about how you allocate your investments in volatile markets could make a world of difference to your outcomes.
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This material is for general information only. All opinions are subject to change without notice. This material is taken from sources which are believed to be accurate, however Citibank accepts no liability of any kind to any person who relies on the information in it.
Investments are not deposits or other obligations of, guaranteed, or insured by Citibank N.A., Citigroup Inc., or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries, or by any local government or insurance agency, and are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investments are subject to risk, including loss of income and principal. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Due to exchange rate fluctuations, you risk losing capital if you invest in foreign currency. Some products are not available to US persons and may not be available in all jurisdictions.