Frequently asked questions.
When did the PIN Mandate become effective?
The PIN mandate became effective on 1 August 2014. This is due to an industry-wide move to phase-out the signature as a form of verification on Australian credit and debit cards and replace with PIN.
How do I get a PIN?
Citibank debit and credit card customers can now select a PIN without knowing their existing PIN when they sign on to Citibank Online. Click here to see how easy it is. If you are a First Time User, you'll need to register for Citibank Online first. Alternatively, you can call Citiphone on 13 24 84 and ask for a new PIN.
How do I use my PIN?
A PIN is very easy to use.
When using a PIN:
Check that the amount of the purchase is correct (as you would if you were signing).
Press the 'CREDIT' or 'SAVINGS' key.
Enter your PIN on the keypad. For your protection your PIN is not displayed on the screen and will appear as asterisks (****) instead.
Press the 'OK/ENTER' key.
The screen will show if your transaction has been approved and you will be given a receipt.
Why can I still sign?
There will be a short transition period while the software in all point-of-sale (POS) terminals across Australia is upgraded. You should still use your PIN with each transaction, as the number of places where signature is accepted will quickly reduce over the next couple of months.
If you would like further information,visit
What if I don't have a chip card?
Australian issued magnetic-stripe (mag-stripe) cards without an embedded-chip will still be able to use signature for authorisation; most of these cards will be replaced with chip-enabled cards within the next few months.
If you would like further information, visit
Does this impact 'Contactless / Tap & Go'?
When contactless (Visa payWave and MasterCard PayPass) is used, for any transaction under the value of $100 there is no need for you to PIN or sign
If you would like further information, visit
Do I need a PIN for purchases via internet or phone?
No. PIN is only applicable when you are physically present at the point-of-sale during the purchase or cash-out transaction. You should never share your PIN with anyone if purchasing goods online or via the telephone.
What if I cannot use a PIN?
Customers with a genuine need to sign can call Citiphone to discuss a Citibank solution. Each applicant for such a card will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Customers cannot opt out of using PIN simply because they prefer to sign or their PIN has not yet arrived. The move to PIN only technology is a compulsory security update to Australia's payment system.
What about non-Australian issued cards?
Visitors from overseas will not be impacted by the changes, so they will use signature or PIN to authorise transactions as they did before. However, some merchants, at their discretion, may require customers to key in a PIN as a blanket approach to all cards to minimise fraudulent transactions.
If you would like further information, visit